Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Library Resources and Choice Boards

Our FISW Library Media Center strives to provide learners with access to relevant information through dynamic virtual AND physical spaces. Our resources support both curricular and personal learning for our community. Our digital library resources are accessible through our FISW Library Media Center home page found below (Click the images to follow the link.)

Students, teachers and parents can access our library catalog, our subscription databases and our choice boards. Students know that the library home page is a great place to find age appropriate, readable, or audio video, content for learning. It is a starting point for exploration and research. Ask your child to show you some favourite resources on our page.

Within the home page, students will discover our choice boards. We began to interact with our choice boards during our time in distance learning, however, family students and families requested updates all year. Here is our September Choice Board below. The concept is that students can experience a virtual "visit to the library" by reading, building, playing, making and researching.

As a special celebration this month, students read the books The Dot and Be Who You Are, both by Peter H. Reynolds. Around the world, children and adults celebrate International Dot Day or Week. Here are a few dot suggestions to try:

All resources mentioned above are available directly on FISW student devices. From home, you may choose to bookmark these for easy family access. All links can be found on the FISW Library Media Center PowerSchool Learning page.

A new year at FISW Library

We are back in full swing for new learning, new beginnings and new books at our FISW Library! Students have jumped right into to our library routines and have made our new students welcome and familiar with our beautiful library space. 

We have over 600 new books spread out through our library. Student love browsing the new book displays and finding the gold star stickers which show the book is brand new! 

Our young learners love using their imaginations to bring building, tinkering, designing and reading together in the library. The series of photos above captures the art of playful building with a purpose - a place to read (and slide)!

Our students in Primary through Grade 5 are connecting learning in Readers Workshop with our library class time. Students are practicing finding just right books, reading with partners, turning and talking with a partner about reading. We are flexing our reading muscles together!

As we build and re-establish our routines and practices around IB learner profile and attributes of learning. Our students are collaborating, inquiring, communicating and pushing their thinking. Below our middle schoolers are engaged in our new Divergent Thinking class. Each week we meet to get "meta" -  to explore the ways in which we learn and thinking critically about our thinking. Students are also setting independent goals around their personal reading.