Thursday, September 17, 2020

Our Community of Learners

As we open our new Library Media Center together as a community, we need to get to know each other! My goal as a new librarian in this wonderful school is to learn about how our students learn best and discover their passions and interests. If we know each other, we can learn and work together.

I asked each class to share the "Ways We Learn," "What We Love" and their "Hopes and Dreams" for the new library. Each class built a mind map on each topic to illustrate the group's thoughts and suggestions.

We discovered that we all learn in very different ways. Some of us learn by reading, some learn through by listening, some by building or drawing and some like to learn through experience and play. Some of us like to learn in quiet, some of us like to talk with others and work in groups.

When we share and understand our personal learning styles, we can make good choices about our learning plans. A learning space, such as our library, is designed to support all types of learning. When we know our learning styles, we can find the right tools and locations in the library for our needs.

A great library supports and nurtures the passions and interest of the students in our community. We have a wide variety of books and materials to match a wide variety of needs and interests. Students shared their favourite topics to read about, series, authors, illustrators and genres. We also discussed ways in which we could organise our library collection to make our books easy for our readers.

When you visit our library, try to identify the intention of the spaces, seating, materials and books and how we support a variety of learners. We are learning about our learning and celebrating our diversity. As we learn more about each other, we can shape and develop our library together as a community. The library should be an ever-evolving learning hub where each of us can feel support and grow.

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