Wednesday, March 16, 2022

FISW Community Reads George O'Connor

We can celebrate that all of our students at FISW, from First Steps through Grade 8, have been reading George O'Connor's books. As a community, we are preparing for our work with George as an Author-in-Residence from March 30 - April 1. 

Our youngest students, have enjoyed reading together in Library class. We've laughed out loud as we shared If I Had a Raptor and If I Had a Triceratops as well as Kapow and Kersplash. Students can't wait to see George draw dinosaurs and superheroes!

Our students in Grades 2 and 3, are engaged in books clubs with George's humorous series, Captain Awesome and Super Turbo. Aligning with their Readers Workshops units on Character Book Clubs and Series Book Clubs, students are working in groups of 4 or 5 to read, respond and share their thinking. Each book club chose a name, established rules for reading and pacing and practiced working as a team with a common focus. Part of their work was to studying story elements and plotting the characters' journeys on a story mountain.

Grades 4 and 5 have taken a deep dive into the Olympians series. They have investigated graphic novel elements and worked with reading partners to examine aspects such as character design, action across panels, point of view and visual storytelling. Many students are working through reading the entire series of 12 books and have explored other Greek mythology books.

Our Middle School students also delved into the world of graphic novels through the Olympians. Students tried drawing the gods and goddesses, studied character changes and viewed some of George's YouTube series. Our Grade 8 students are currently reading the series in English class.

We will be ready for an AWESOME visit with George O'Connor in just a few weeks!

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